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Sound reactive festival flagpole

For the music festival Lowlands 2019 I built a sound reactive flagpole. During the day it could be used as a normal flagpole (to easily find your friends in the crowd), and when it gets dark enough it would join the light show of all the performances. I managed to develop a prototype that was sturdy enough to be used on the festival witin a week, and it proved to be a very useful and fun accessory.

It uses a Teensy 3.2, which translates the microphone signal into an LED animation that 'dances' to the music. All is powered through a small cylindrical USB power bank, and is built in such a way to meet the festival's regulations for flagpoles.

After the festival I continued finetuning the algorithm, so it responds well to a broad range of music and volumes. This is one of those projects that will be a work-in-progress for quite a while, just for the fun of working on it. Next step is more sturdy hardware/electronics, and a 3D printed handle to securely attach the powerbank to the pole.